ePTFE Sealant Gasket Round/flat/Square
3G ePTFE is available in various product types, forms and shapes. Each product has superior sealing and gasketing properties for use in a broad range of applications. It comes with a self-adhesive backing strip for ease of installation. It is ideal for complex or large gaskets and for re-sealing damaged, worn or distorted flanges.
The ePTFE flat strip for gaskets is made of 100% pure PTFE material expanded via a unique process into a consistent fibrous molecular structure. Upon compression, the fibrils lock together to form a strong, uniform material that is impervious to gases and liquids. The material is completely unaffected by virtually all media and is incredibly resistant to creep, relaxation and cold flow inherent in other gasket materials, especially virgin, or filled, PTFE.
- High-performance, flat gasketing material for applications requiring a strip or full-face gasket. Combines the benefits of Joint Sealant and Sheet Gasketing to offer flat-sheet, strip gasketing to create gaskets with minimal waste. Adhesive-backed for ease of installation.
- Highly flexible and stable even under extreme temperature and pressure, can be applied to irregular shapes and surfaces.
- Operate throughout the pH range except for some fluorinated compounds and molten alkali metals, resistant to thermal cycling, non-contaminating and FDA suitable
- Does not contaminate with contact media, does not release colour particles and is non-toxic.
- Making a seal from the ePTFE flat strip is an extremely simple task. The adhesive side of the strip has a protective band. To apply the strip it is sufficient to remove this protection and press the strip against the surface to be sealed. Then the two ends of the strip are joined one on the top of the other, or in alternative, cut diagonally and joined head-to-head if the tightening pressure is low. A standard flat gasket is the result.